:zap: Simple Cache Class
This is a simple Cache Abstraction Layer for PHP >= 7.0 that provides a simple interaction
with your cache-server. You can define the Adapter / Serializer in the "constructor" or the class will auto-detect you server-cache in this order:
Memcached / Memcache
OpCache (via PHP-files)
Get "Simple Cache"
You can download it from here, or require it using composer.
"require": {
"voku/simple-cache": "4.*"
Install via "composer require"
composer require voku/simple-cache
Quick Start
use voku\cache\Cache;
require_once 'composer/autoload.php';
$cache = new Cache();
$ttl = 3600; // 60s * 60 = 1h
$cache->setItem('foo', 'bar', $ttl);
$bar = $cache->getItem('foo');
use voku\cache\Cache;
$cache = new Cache();
if ($cache->getCacheIsReady() === true && $cache->existsItem('foo')) {
return $cache->getItem('foo');
} else {
$bar = someSpecialFunctionsWithAReturnValue();
$cache->setItem('foo', $bar);
return $bar;
If you have an heavy task e.g. a really-big-loop, then you can also use static-cache.
But keep in mind, that this will be stored into PHP (it needs more memory).
use voku\cache\Cache;
$cache = new Cache();
if ($cache->getCacheIsReady() === true && $cache->existsItem('foo')) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= 100000; $i++) {
echo $this->cache->getItem('foo', 3); // use also static-php-cache, when we hit the cache 3-times
return $cache->getItem('foo');
} else {
$bar = someSpecialFunctionsWithAReturnValue();
$cache->setItem('foo', $bar);
return $bar;
PS: By default, the static cache is also used by >= 10 cache hits. But you can configure
this behavior via $cache->setStaticCacheHitCounter(INT).
No-Cache for the admin or a specific ip-address
If you use the parameter "$checkForUser" (=== true) in the constructor, then the cache isn't used for the admin-session.
-> You can also overwrite the check for the user, if you add a global function named "checkForDev()".
Overwrite the auto-connection option
You can overwrite the cache auto-detect via "CacheAdapterAutoManager" and the
"$cacheAdapterManagerForAutoConnect" option in the "Cache"-constructor. Additional you can also
activate the "$cacheAdapterManagerForAutoConnectOverwrite" option in the "Cache"-constructor, so that
you can implement your own cache auto-detect logic.
$cacheManager = new \voku\cache\CacheAdapterAutoManager();
// 1. check for "APCu" support first
// 2. check for "APC" support
// 3. try "OpCache"-Cache
static function () {
$cacheDir = \realpath(\sys_get_temp_dir()) . '/simple_php_cache_opcache';
return $cacheDir;
// 4. try "File"-Cache
static function () {
$cacheDir = \realpath(\sys_get_temp_dir()) . '/simple_php_cache_file';
return $cacheDir;
// 5. use Memory Cache as final fallback
$cache = new \voku\cache\CachePsr16(
null, // use auto-detection
null, // use auto-detection
false, // do not check for usage
true, // enable the cache
false, // do not check for admin session
false, // do not check for dev
false, // do not check for admin session
false, // do not check for server vs. client ip
'', // do not use "_GET"-parameter for disabling
$cacheManager, // new auto-detection logic
true // overwrite the auto-detection logic
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For status updates and release announcements please visit Releases | Twitter | Patreon.
For professional support please contact me.
Thanks to GitHub (Microsoft) for hosting the code and a good infrastructure including Issues-Managment, etc.
Thanks to IntelliJ as they make the best IDEs for PHP and they gave me an open source license for PhpStorm!
Thanks to Travis CI for being the most awesome, easiest continous integration tool out there!
Thanks to StyleCI for the simple but powerfull code style check.
Thanks to PHPStan && Psalm for relly great Static analysis tools and for discover bugs in the code!