Alecto - PHP Circuit Breaker Library

A robust PHP implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern with type safety, metrics tracking, and configurable behavior.
In the depths of Greek mythology, Alecto, one of the three Erinyes or Furies, emerges as a formidable figure. These divine beings were born from the blood of the castrated Uranus, embodying the relentless pursuit of vengeance. Alecto, in particular, is known for her unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of justice.
Her story offers a powerful metaphor for a circuit breaker pattern in programming. Just as Alecto intervenes to stop a cycle of violence and retribution, a circuit breaker interrupts a process to prevent it from spiraling out of control. In the realm of software, this might mean stopping an infinite loop, halting a runaway process, or preventing a system from crashing.
By drawing inspiration from Alecto, we can design circuit breaker patterns that are:
Swift and decisive: Like the Erinyes, a circuit breaker must act quickly to prevent further damage.
Relentless: Once activated, a circuit breaker should remain in effect until the underlying issue is resolved.
Just: A circuit breaker should be used judiciously, only when necessary to protect the system.
? Features
Type-safe implementation using PHP 8.1+
Configurable failure and success thresholds
Operation timeout handling
Fallback mechanism support
Metrics tracking
State transition management
PSR-3 compatible logging support
? Installation
Install via Composer:
composer require cmatosbc/circuit-breaker
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- ext-pcntl
- ext-posix
? Quick Start
use Circuit\CircuitBreaker;
use Circuit\Config\CircuitBreakerConfig;
use Circuit\Service\TimeoutExecutor;
// Create configuration
$config = new CircuitBreakerConfig(
failureThreshold: 3, // Open circuit after 3 failures
successThreshold: 2, // Close circuit after 2 successes
resetTimeout: 10, // Wait 10 seconds before attempting recovery
operationTimeout: 5 // Timeout operations after 5 seconds
// Initialize circuit breaker
$circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker(
config: $config,
timeoutExecutor: new TimeoutExecutor()
// Use the circuit breaker
try {
$result = $circuitBreaker->call(
callback: function() {
return someRiskyOperation();
fallback: function() {
return "Fallback response";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle exception
? Circuit States
The circuit breaker operates in three states:
CLOSED (Normal Operation)
All requests are allowed through
Failures are counted
When failures reach `failureThreshold`, transitions to OPEN
OPEN (Failure Prevention)
All requests are immediately rejected
After `resetTimeout` seconds, transitions to HALF-OPEN
Supports fallback responses during rejection
HALF-OPEN (Recovery Attempt)
Limited requests are allowed through
Successes are counted
After `successThreshold` successes, transitions to CLOSED
Any failure returns to OPEN state
? Metrics Tracking
The circuit breaker tracks key metrics:
$metrics = $circuitBreaker->getMetrics();
// Available metrics:
$metrics['successes']; // Successful operations count
$metrics['failures']; // Failed operations count
$metrics['rejections']; // Rejected operations count (when circuit is open)
? Real-World Examples
1. API Client Protection
class ApiClient
public function __construct(
private CircuitBreaker $circuitBreaker,
private HttpClient $httpClient
) {}
public function fetchUserData(int $userId): array
return $this->circuitBreaker->call(
callback: function() use ($userId) {
$response = $this->httpClient->get("/users/{$userId}");
return $response->toArray();
fallback: function() use ($userId) {
return $this->getCachedUserData($userId);
2. Database Query Protection
class DatabaseRepository
public function __construct(
private CircuitBreaker $circuitBreaker,
private PDO $pdo
) {}
public function executeQuery(string $query, array $params = []): array
return $this->circuitBreaker->call(
callback: function() use ($query, $params) {
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
fallback: function() {
return $this->getFromCache() ?? [];
3. Microservice Communication
class PaymentService
public function __construct(
private CircuitBreaker $circuitBreaker,
private PaymentGateway $gateway
) {}
public function processPayment(Order $order): PaymentResult
return $this->circuitBreaker->call(
callback: function() use ($order) {
return $this->gateway->processPayment($order);
fallback: function() use ($order) {
return new PaymentResult(status: 'QUEUED');
? Framework Integration
Symfony Integration
// config/services.yaml
$failureThreshold: '%env(int:CIRCUIT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD)%'
$successThreshold: '%env(int:CIRCUIT_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD)%'
$resetTimeout: '%env(int:CIRCUIT_RESET_TIMEOUT)%'
$operationTimeout: '%env(int:CIRCUIT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT)%'
Circuit\Service\TimeoutExecutor: ~
$config: '@Circuit\Config\CircuitBreakerConfig'
$timeoutExecutor: '@Circuit\Service\TimeoutExecutor'
$logger: '@logger'
$circuitBreaker: '@Circuit\CircuitBreaker'
// src/Service/ExternalApiClient.php
namespace App\Service;
use Circuit\CircuitBreaker;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
class ExternalApiClient
public function __construct(
private readonly CircuitBreaker $circuitBreaker,
private readonly HttpClientInterface $client
) {}
public function fetchData(): array
return $this->circuitBreaker->call(
callback: function() {
$response = $this->client->request('GET', '');
return $response->toArray();
fallback: function() {
return $this->getCachedData();
Laravel Integration
// app/Providers/CircuitBreakerServiceProvider.php
namespace App\Providers;
use Circuit\CircuitBreaker;
use Circuit\Config\CircuitBreakerConfig;
use Circuit\Service\TimeoutExecutor;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class CircuitBreakerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
$this->app->singleton(CircuitBreakerConfig::class, function ($app) {
return new CircuitBreakerConfig(
failureThreshold: config('services.circuit.failure_threshold', 3),
successThreshold: config('services.circuit.success_threshold', 2),
resetTimeout: config('services.circuit.reset_timeout', 30),
operationTimeout: config('services.circuit.operation_timeout', 5)
$this->app->singleton(CircuitBreaker::class, function ($app) {
return new CircuitBreaker(
config: $app->make(CircuitBreakerConfig::class),
timeoutExecutor: $app->make(TimeoutExecutor::class),
logger: $app->make('log')
// config/services.php
return [
'circuit' => [
'failure_threshold' => env('CIRCUIT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD', 3),
'success_threshold' => env('CIRCUIT_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD', 2),
'reset_timeout' => env('CIRCUIT_RESET_TIMEOUT', 30),
'operation_timeout' => env('CIRCUIT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT', 5),
// app/Services/PaymentGateway.php
namespace App\Services;
use Circuit\CircuitBreaker;
class PaymentGateway
public function __construct(
private readonly CircuitBreaker $circuitBreaker
) {}
public function processPayment(array $paymentData): array
return $this->circuitBreaker->call(
callback: function() use ($paymentData) {
return $this->gateway->charge($paymentData);
fallback: function() use ($paymentData) {
return ['status' => 'queued'];
?? Advanced Configuration
Custom Timeout Handling
$config = new CircuitBreakerConfig(
failureThreshold: 5,
successThreshold: 3,
resetTimeout: 30,
operationTimeout: 2 // Short timeout for time-sensitive operations
Adding Logging
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
$circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker(
config: $config,
timeoutExecutor: new TimeoutExecutor(),
logger: $psrLogger
? Testing
Run the test suite:
composer test
The tests demonstrate:
- State transition behavior
- Failure counting
- Success threshold management
- Timeout handling
- Metrics accuracy
? Contributing
Fork the repository
Create a feature branch
Write tests for new features
Submit a pull request
? License
This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.