Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2025-02-22 (8 hours ago)  | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 94 | | All time: 9,892 This week: 46 |
Version | | License | | PHP version | | Categories |
phpbcl 2.0.3 | | Custom (specified... | | 5.6 | | PHP 5, Language |
Description | | Author |
This package provides functions of newer PHP versions for older versions.
It provides scripts that implement functions only available in newer PHP versions as functions built-in in the PHP core engine. The parts work in older PHP versions.
A main script checks the current PHP version and loads that implement the functions of newer PHP versions. Innovation Award
 June 2023
Number 2 |
With every new PHP version, changes are made to the PHP language that may introduce incompatibilities between versions.
If your PHP applications rely on parts of the language that were changed, you may need to change your code to keep it working in the new PHP version that runs on the machine your PHP application is running.
Suppose your PHP application relies on PHP function or other parts of the language that changed in a backward incompatibility way. In that case, you may need to change your PHP application code to adapt to the PHP version changes.
This package provides a library of scripts with PHP functions that emulate the functions introduced in newer PHP versions.
Using this library, you can adapt your PHP application code to make it work in a newer PHP version without having to upgrade the PHP version that you use in the environment your PHP application is running.
This way, you can change your PHP application code to prepare to make it work in newer PHP versions making a smooth transition between PHP versions.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 15x
Winner: 1x |
Installation and use this library
Download latest release
Unzip package in your working directory
Add in index.php or master php file the below code :
$path = '[YOUR SITE PATH]';
include $path . '/phpBCL/autoload.php';
* __ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ _ __ ___ ___
* / _` |/ / / __/ _ \ / _ \ / / / __/| '_ ` _ \ / /
* | (_| |\ \| (_| (_) | (_) |\ \ | (__ | | | | | |\ \
* \__,_|/__/ \___\___/ \___/ /__/ \___\|_| |_| |_|/__/
* @ASCOOS-VERSION : 24.0.0 *
* @ASCOOS-CATEGORY : Kernel (Frontend and Administration Side) *
* @ASCOOS-CREATOR : Drogidis Christos *
* @ASCOOS-LICENSE : [Commercial] *
* @ASCOOS-COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 2007 - 2024, AlexSoft Software. *
* @package : ASCOOS CMS - phpBCL
* @subpackage : Example PHP_BUILD_DATE Constant
* @source : /phpBCL/test/85_php_build_date.php
* @version : 2.0.0
* @created : 2024-11-29 07:00:00 UTC+3
* @updated :
* @author : Drogidis Christos
* @authorSite :
* @since 2.0.0
* @since PHP 5.6.40
$dt = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('M j Y H:i:s', PHP_BUILD_DATE);
$dt1 = $dt->format('U')."<br>"; // Unix timestamp, e.g. "1758019466"
$dt2 = $dt->format('Y-M-d')."<br>"; // "2025-Sep-16"
h1 {font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; width: 100% !important; }
h2 {font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; color: white; background-color: black; width: 100% !important; margin: 4px 0;}
echo '<h1>PHP VERSION: '.phpversion().'</h1>';
echo '<h2>TEST PHP 8.5 [ <b>PHP_BUILD_DATE</b> ] </h2>';
echo '<p><br></p>';
echo '<p><b>PHP_BUILD_DATE [Unix timestamp (U)]....:</b> '.$dt1.'</p>';
echo '<p><b>PHP_BUILD_DATE [Date (Y-M-d)]..........:</b> '.$dt2.'</p>';
2.0.2 [2024-12-08]
phpBCL Core and Examples
2.0.1 [2024-12-01]
phpBCL Core and Examples
Fixed composer.json file
Fixed libin.json file
2.0.0 [2024-11-29]
phpBCL Core and Examples
Added support for
Added support for PHPClasses
PHP < 8.5
Added dynamic Constant `PHP_BUILD_DATE` : that is assigned the time and date the PHP binary is built.
Added example file `85_php_build_date.php` :
1.1.4 [2024-11-12]
PHP < 8.4
Added Function `intltz_get_iana_id` -- Get the IANA identifier from a given timezone
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_intltz_get_iana_id.php`
UPDATED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_grapheme_str_split.php`
1.1.3 [2024-10-22]
PHP < 8.4
Fixed Function `bcdivmod` for use in PHP < 7.2.0
phpBCL Core and Examples
The examples have been changed to adapt to the new structure of the package.
Removed some source code from all files to make it more accessible to use of the package.
// Run only Ascoos Cms
define( 'ALEXSOFT_RUN_CMS', true ); //REMOVED
// $cms_path is Ascoos Cms global variable
require_once($cms_path."/phpBCL/src/coreCompatibilities.php"); // REMOVED
They have been replaced with the internal variable $phpCBL of the package, which you do not need to call.
>You should load only the file autoload.php
file into your code.
$path = '[YOUR SITE PATH]';
include $path . '/phpBCL/autoload.php'; / // For general use
include '../autoload.php'; // Used by phpBCL examples
1.1.2 [2024-10-04]
PHP < 8.4
Added Function `bcdivmod`
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_bcdivmod.php`
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_array_find.php`
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_array_find_key.php`
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_array_all.php`
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_array_any.php`
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84_grapheme_str_split.php`
1.1.1 [2024-09-23]
PHP < 8.4
Added Function `array_find`
Added Function `array_find_key`
Added Function `array_all`
Added Function `array_any`
Added Function `grapheme_str_split`
1.1.0 [2024-03-20]
ADDED FILE : `` -- Package License `AGL-F` (Ascoos General License - Free Use).
ADDED EXAMPLE FILE : `84__http_get_last_response_headers.php`
PHP < 8.4
Added Function `http_get_last_response_headers`
Added Function `http_clear_last_response_headers`
UPDATED FUNCTIONS : `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`, `mbrtrim`
1.0.9 [2024-02-28]
PHP < 8.3.0
Added Function `stream_context_set_options` -- Sets options on the specified context.
PHP < 8.2.0
Added Function `openssl_cipher_key_length` -- Gets the cipher key length.
PHP < 8.0.0
Added Function `preg_last_error_msg` -- Returns the error message of the last PCRE regex execution.
Added Function `get_debug_type` -- Returns the resolved name of the PHP variable value.
Added Function `get_resource_id` -- Returns an integer identifier for the given resource
Added Function `fdiv` -- Divides two numbers, according to IEEE 754
PHP < 7.1.0
Added Function `openssl_get_curve_names` -- Gets the list of available curve names
PHP < 7.0.0
Added Function `intdiv` -- Integer division
Added Function `alf_get_class()` -- For return getClass() without parameters on PHP >= 8.3.0
1.0.8 [2024-02-27]
ADDED FILE : compat_error.php
Added Class Error `Error`
Added Class Error `TypeError`
Added Class Error `ValueError`
PHP < 8.2.0
Added Function `ini_parse_quantity`
FIXED FUNCTION : `mysqli_execute_query`
1.0.7 [2024-02-22]
PHP < 8.4.0
Added phpBCL Function `alf_preg_quote`
FIXED FUNCTIONS : `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`, `mbrtrim` for use on PHP 5.6
FIXED EXAMPLE : `84__mb_trim.php`
1.0.6 [2024-02-21]
FIXED EXAMPLE : `81__array_is_list.php`
FIXED EXAMPLE : `84_mb_ucfirst.php`
1.0.5 [2024-02-20]
PHP < 8.4.0
ADDED FILE: `/src/phpBCL.php`
Added phpBCL Function `validate_encoding`
Added Function `mb_ltrim`
Added Function `mb_rtrim`
Added Function `mb_trim`
ADDED EXAMPLE: `/test/84__mb_trim.php`
Updated Function `mb_ucfirst`
Updated Function `mb_lcfirst`
Updated Example `/test/84__mb_ucfirst.php`
1.0.4 [2024-02-17]
PHP < 8.4.0
Added file `src/compat/compat_php84x.php`
Added Function `mb_ucfirst`
Added Function `mb_lcfirst`
ADDED EXAMPLE: `/test/84__mb_ucfirst.php`
1.0.3 [2023-07-12]
PHP < 8.2.0
Added Function `mysqli_execute_query`
1.0.2 [2023-07-07]
ADDED EXAMPLES: In folder /phpBCL/test/
Fixed : Fixed paths for call phpBCL library.
PHP < 4.3.0
Added Function: `mb_convert_case`
PHP < 5.5.0
Added Functions: `array_column`, `boolval`, `json_last_error_msg`
PHP < 7.3.0
Added Constants: `MB_CASE_FOLD`, `MB_CASE_UPPER_SIMPLE`, `MB_CASE_LOWER_SIMPLE`, `MB_CASE_TITLE_SIMPLE`, `MB_CASE_FOLD_SIMPLE`. Used by ASCOOS LIBRARY FUNCTION `alf_mb_convert_case` (compat_similar.php)
Updated Functions: `array_key_first`, `array_key_last`
Added `alf_mb_convert_case` For full compatible similar mb_convert_case.
PHP < 7.4.0
Added Function: `mb_str_split`
PHP < 8.0.0
Updated Functions: `str_contains`, `str_ends_with`, `str_starts_with`
Updated Classes : `Stringable`, `PhpToken`
PHP < 8.1.0
Updated Function: `array_is_list`
PHP < 8.3.0
Added Function: `mb_str_pad`
1.0.1 [2023-06-27]
Added file compat_similar.php (for similar functions)
PHP < 7.1.0
Added Function: `is_iterable`
PHP < 7.3.0
Added Functions: `array_key_first`, `array_key_last`, `is_countable`
PHP < 8.0.0
Added Class `ValueError` (For php < 8.0.0)
Applications that use this package |
No pages of applications that use this class were specified.
If you know an application of this package, send a message to the author to add a link here.
Other classes that need this package |