Generating report for a given MySQL database as MD-Files

This class can generate a complete documentation of a MySQL database in Markdown format.
In the MD format the documentation can be made available for everyone who is involved
in an project containing a MySQL database. There are various scenarios:
- The easies way is just make the files accessible at the filesystem/fileserver
- More comfortable can be a webbased publication as part of an intra- or extranet
since the MD format is wide supported
- Or you can integrate it into other proprietaire layers (i.e. wikis,
documentation systems, ...)
The report contains
1. An overview file with links to datail files for
- tables
- views
- procedures
- functions
- trigger
2. Details for tables and views
- all fields with datatype and keydefinition, nullable, defaultvalue
- defined triggers
- defined constraints
- tables referenced by this table
- tables that references this table
Details for precedures, functions and trigger
- create statement containing all infos
Create an `mysqli` connection to the database to build the report for.
Create an instance of the `MySqlInfoMD()` class and pass the DB connection
Set prefered directories and options
Call the `buildInfo()` method.
$strDBHost = 'localhost';
$strDBName = 'demo';
$strDBUser = 'demo';
$strDBPwd = 'demoPWD';
$oDB = mysqli_connect($strDBHost, $strDBUser, $strDBPwd, $strDBName);
$oInfo = new MySqlInfoMD($oDB, $MySqlInfoMD::STANDALONE);
> Note:
> Since the Markdown renderer that is used at do not support MD
> tables, you will not get a satisfactory display if you look at the example directly
> in the source view window here in the package.
Supported types
The report can be generated for
Create the MD files for standalone use (file or web based) to view with a browser
addon or any MD viewer
Build the MD files to upload to a Github-Wiki.
Build the MD files for display inside a self defined structure for more complex
recommended browser add-ons
A very good display quality you get e.g. with the browser add-on *'Markdown Viewer'*
(from somiv) that is available for most major browsers:
or visit on github
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