* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <[email protected]>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
class TempFile
protected $_delete_temp_registered = false;
protected $_do_not_remove = array();
protected $_sid;
protected $_temp_directory;
protected $_time;
public $clean = true;
public function __construct($temp_directory, $id=null)
if(is_dir($temp_directory) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The temp directory does not exist or is not a directory.');
else if(is_readable($temp_directory) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The temp directory is not readable.');
else if(is_writable($temp_directory) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The temp directory is not writeable.');
$this->_temp_directory = $temp_directory;
$this->_time = time();
$this->_sid = uniqid((empty($id) === false ? $id.'_' : '').md5(__FILE__).'_');
* Is actually a private function as is registered to cleanup any temp files
* created, but has to be public so that register_shutdown_function registers the file.
* @access public
* @return void
* @author Oliver Lillie
public function _deleteTemp()
// delete current temp files
$files = glob($this->_temp_directory.'temp'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'_temp_'.$this->_sid.'_*');
if(empty($files) === false)
foreach ($files as $file)
if(in_array($file, self::$_do_not_remove) === false)
if(is_file($file) === true)
* Generates a temp filename
* @param string $extension
* @return void
* @author Oliver Lillie
public function name($extension=false, $postfix=false)
$extension = $extension === false ? '' : '.'.$extension;
if($this->_sid === false)
$this->_sid = uniqid('');
$id = '_temp_'.$this->_time.'_'.$this->_sid;
if($postfix !== false)
$id .= $postfix;
$id .= '_'.uniqid('');
return $id.$extension;
* Creates a temporary file that is only available for the duration of the
* script execution. It is automatically cleaned up by an end function.
* It can handle the following types of input to store as temporary files.
* - gd image resources
* - uploaded files
* - filenames
* - remote files starting with http
* - and a data string
* @access public
* @param string $data
* @param boolean $extension
* @param boolean $clean
* @return void
* @author Oliver Lillie
public function file($data, $extension=false, $clean=true)
$result = false;
$filename = $this->_temp_directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::name($extension);
if(is_resource($data) === true)
// if the data is a resource, output it
// TODO add other types
case 'gd' :
$func = 'image'.($extension === false ? 'gd' : ($extension === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $extension));
$result = call_user_func($func, $data, $filename);
else if(is_uploaded_file($data) === true)
// data is an uploaded file path
$result = @move_uploaded_file($data, $filename) === true;
else if((strpos($data, '.') === 0 || strpos($data, '/') === 0) && strlen($data) < 150 && is_file($data) === true)
// data is an uploaded file path
$result = @copy($data, $filename) === true;
else if($data !== false)
// data is a string
$result = file_put_contents($filename, $data);
$result = true;
if($result !== false)
if($clean === true)
if($this->_delete_temp_registered === false)
$this->_delete_temp_registered = true;
register_shutdown_function(array($this, '_deleteTemp'));
array_push($this->_do_not_remove, $filename);
return $filename;
return false;