# APIcaller
APIcaller is a class that helps you build API wrappers.
You don't have to worry about building URLs, or even about parsing the requested data.
## How to use
You will have to extend the ```Client``` class and the ```Caller``` class, the ```Client``` will handle all the
configuration to use on the requests and the ```Caller``` will be used as the interface to interact with the API.
use MASNathan\APICaller\Client;
use MASNathan\APICaller\Caller;
class MyPackageClient extends Client
* Here you can set the default headers and parameters on a global scope
public function __construct($ip = null)
'User-Agent' => 'PHP APICaller SDK',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Token' => '123456',
'ip' => $ip ?: '',
* Returns the API Endpoint
* @return string
public function getEndpoint()
return 'http://api.domain.com/v1/';
class MyPackageCaller extends Caller
public function requestSomething($foo, $bar)
$params = [
'foo' => $foo,
'bar' => $bar,
// this will result in this url http://api.domain.com/v1/some-method.json?ip={$ip}&foo={$foo}&bar={$bar}
$response = $this->client->get('some-method.json', $params);
$data = $this->handleResponseContent($response, 'json');
// Do something with your data
return $data;
Well, this is how you can start creating your class, now, lets make some calls!
$client = new MyPackageClient('');
$caller = new MyPackageCaller($client);
$result = $caller->requestSomething(13, 37);
This will call the following url:```http://api.domain.com/v1/some-method.json?ip=```.
## Installation
To install the SDK, you will need to be using [Composer](http://composer.org) in your project. If you don't have composer
installed check this page and follow the [installation steps](https://getcomposer.org/download/)
This library is not hard coupled to Guzzle or any other library that sends HTTP messages.
It uses an abstraction called [HTTPlug](http://httplug.io/).
This will give you the flexibility to choose what PSR-7 implementation and HTTP client to use.
To get started ASAP you should run the following command:
# Add APIcaller as a dependency
$ composer require masnathan/api-caller php-http/curl-client guzzlehttp/psr7
## Why do I need to require all those packages?
APICaller depends on the virtual package [php-http/client-implementation](https://packagist.org/providers/php-http/client-implementation)
which requires to you install an adapter, but we do not care which one.
That is an implementation detail in your application.
We also need a PSR-7 implementation and a message factory.
You don't have to use the [php-http/curl-client](https://github.com/php-http/curl-client) if you don't want to.
Read more about the virtual packages, why this is a good idea and about the flexibility it brings at the [HTTPlug docs](http://docs.php-http.org/en/latest/index.html).
# License
This library is under the MIT License, see the complete license [here](LICENSE)