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  Classes of Jason Gillman Jr.   StormOnDemand API   Download  
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Class: StormOnDemand API
Manage hosting services using Storm On Demand API
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php-stormondemand ============ php-stormondemand provides the PHP programmer a library to interact with Liquid Web's Storm API via the **_StormAPI_** class. ### Platforms Supported ### Regardless of whether you are using Liquid Web Storm Servers or Storm on Demand, the API, and subsequently this library, will work. ### API Versions Supported ### The php-stormondemand library will work with any current or future version of the Storm API. Currently, the two versions are: * v1 * bleed ### Requirements ### The php-stormondemand library requires that cURL support be enabled in PHP (see for more information). ### Basic Usage ### The following is an example script (located in the examples/ directory) that shows basic use: ```php <?php require_once('../StormAPI.class.php'); $apiUser = "api_user"; $apiPass = "api_pass"; $apiMethod = "storm/server/list"; $paramsArray = FALSE; $apiVersion = "v1"; $storm = new \LiquidWeb\StormAPI($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray, $apiVersion); $storm->addParam("page_size", 999); $results = $storm->request(); foreach($results['items'] as $item) { echo $item['domain'] . " || " . $item['uniq_id'] . "\n"; } ?> ``` Alternatively, the parameter(s) can be passed upon instantiation as so: ```php <?php require_once('../StormAPI.class.php'); $apiUser = "api_user"; $apiPass = "api_pass"; $apiMethod = "storm/server/list"; $paramsArray = array('page_size' => 999); $apiVersion = "v1"; $storm = new \LiquidWeb\StormAPI($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray, $apiVersion); $results = $storm->request(); foreach($results['items'] as $item) { echo $item['domain'] . " || " . $item['uniq_id'] . "\n"; } ?> ``` PHPDoc blocks are utilized so that code hinting can be used if your IDE supports it. ### Instantiated Method Summary ### The following is just a quick summary of methods that the library provides when a StormAPI object is instatiated, their function, and their parameters. **__construct($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray = FALSE, $apiVersion = "v1")** The magic constructor method that is called upon instantiation of a **_StormAPI_** object. If you want to pass along a specific version of the API, but don't want to (or can't) pass along parameters upon construction, specify a boolean (I prefer _FALSE_) for _$paramsArray_. **bulkParams($paramsArray)** Allows the passing of multiple parameters via an associative array. **addParam($parameter, $value)** Adds specifies the parameter and its value to be passed along with the API request. **removeParam($parameter)** Removes the specified parameter from being passed along with the API request. **listParams()** Lists any parameters that are currently set. **listMethodParams()** Parses the API documentation and provides parameters associated with the method that is currently being used. Additionally, it shows the optionality of the parameter. **clearParams()** Clears out all of the parameters that may be currently set. **newMethod($apiMethod, $clearparams = TRUE)** Changes the API method to call. Also clears out the parameters by default unless overridden. **listMethods()** Returns a listing of all the API methods available for the version of the API that is being used. **debugInfo()** More of a convenience method that outputs some information that might be useful for debugging purposes. **request($displayFriendly = FALSE)** The method that makes the actual request. When passed with $displayFriendly being _FALSE_, an associative array is returned from the decoded JSON output from the API. When $displayFriendly is _TRUE_, the return is an array consisting of two keys, _'raw'_ and _'display'_. The "display friendly" version of the output is good when a quick glance at the data is needed, as it is displayed in a format with breadcrumbs so you can easilly tell where the data is at. **storeRequest($key)** This method stores the results of an API request by the supplied key. **returnRequests($key, $displayFriendly)** This method returns all of the stored requests if $key is not supplied, or the request for a particular supplied key. The $displayFriendly argument functions just like its counterpart in the request() method. **listRequestKeys()** This method lists they keys for stored requests. **removeRequest($key)** This method removes the stored request for the key given. ### Static Method Summary ### The following are static methods that don't require an instantiated object to run. They have equivalent wrapper methods for instantiated objects to take currently set values as well. **listMethodParamsStatic($apiMethod, $apiVersion = 'v1')** Parses the API documentation and provides parameters associated with the method and version that is passed in. Additionally, it shows the optionality of the parameter. **listMethodsStatic($apiVersion = 'v1')** Returns a listing of all the API methods available for the version of the API that is passed in.