Produce html code from the mathematic expression string

Demo Version
Visit following link and check demo in forum.
First include the mathexphtml.php class in your file, and use the class as following to generate the HTML for the math expressions:
$expression = "a=sum(i=1,3,23.5{vec}-(((cos(2+?/2)+asd9)^2)/4.5+sin(0.5?))/(20.06+?*(16))^2-26)";
$parser = new mathExpHtml($expression);
echo $parser->getHtml();
Algorythm is very simple.
String is tokenized using `preg_split` into array of tokens,
Token types are value, alpha-numeric and operator.
Alpha numeric represents as a variable or function name.
There are some known functions such as summation sign sum(i=1, 5).
First tokens are simplify into simple expression inside the parenthesis.
Nested parenthesis are allowed.
Simple inside () are convert into html code using predefined css classes.
Precedence are common as following order, ^, *,/,+.-.
Multiple expressions of () may connected without operator eg., (3+a/4)(sin(0.5*?))
Vector variable can be used in written form enclosed with cali-bracket eg., {vec}
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