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File: HowToInstall.txt
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Description: Getting Started guide
Class: Logger_ciacob
Log variable values to files
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HOW TO INSTALL Logger DEMO ------------------------------- Contents: 1. What is Logger 2. What the demo does 3. Installing the demo 4. License 5. Author 6. Version 1. Logger is a PHP class that records onto your harddisk values from your running PHP program. You'll typically use it as a debugger tool, when step debugging isn't applicable. The class can also be used in production, as a simple logging solution. 2. This demo contains a sample PHP class, ./LoggerDemo.php. You will first run this class in order to cause Logger to write values on disk, then you will check the resulting log file. 3. a) ParamsProxy Setup If you have already setup ParamsProxy on this machine, you may skip this step, in whole or in part. Logger is built on top of the ParamsProxy class. Before being able to use the ParamsProxy class, you must setup a configuration folder. All configuration files will live in here, each placed under a sub-folder with the same name as the name of the class to be configured. Under Unix, create this folder: /home/MyConfig Under Windows, create this folder: C:\MyConfig Open the file ./ParamsProxy_config.xml and fill in the path of the folder just created, e.g.: <value>/home/MyConfig/</value> b) Configuration file The Logger class sets itself up by reading a configuration file; you must place this file in the proper location: i. change into /home/MyConfig (on Unix) or C:\MyConfig (on Windows); ii. create sub-folder Logger iii. change into just created sub-folder iv. copy provided file ./config.xml as /home/MyConfig/Logger/config.xml (on Unix) or as C:\MyConfig\Logger\config.xml (on Windows) c) Logs folder The Logger class will store all log files under the logs folder, grouping them by contexts. A context is essentially a sub-folder that groups values that a number of subscribing PHP classes log. These values, although coming from different classes, go into the same log file. Consult the ./Logger.html for more information on contexts. The location of the logs folder is bound to the location of the configuration folder: the two share the same parent folder. For example, in this demo, the two locations are: ON UNIX ON WINDOWS CONFIGURATION FOLDER /home/MyConfig C:\MyConfig LOGS FOLDER /home/logs C:\logs Only on Unix: create folder /home/logs and set it full permissions (octal 0777). d) Completing installation Point your browser to the LoggerDemo.php file. If you have correctly installed Logger, you should see a notice, containing the absolute path to the created log file. Observe the source code of ./LoggerDemo.php and the resulting log entries to get a feeling of how logging is done. You'll also want to examine the configuration file and the documentation (./Logger.html) in order to learn how to declare contexts and customize logging output. 4. Both this demo and the Logger class are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. You should have received a full copy of this license as ./Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.txt. The full license body is also available online, at 5. The Logger class has been written and is being maintained by Claudius Tiberiu Iacob. You can reach me at [email protected]. 6. You're holding version 1.5a (alpha) of Logger. Please note that API and functionality are subject to change in future versions. Send all bugs to [email protected], thank you.