* sqlshim object definition.
* PHP version 5.6
* @category Polyfill
* @package sqlshim
* @author Marc Hester < [email protected]>
* @license MIT
* @link https://github.com/radsectors/sqlshim
namespace {
use radsectors\sqlshim;
if (sqlshim::init()) {
// dynamicaly define all public constants in sqlshim
$ref = new \ReflectionClass('\radsectors\sqlshim');
foreach ($ref->getConstants() as $const => $value) {
define("SQLSRV_$const", $value);
// trying to dynamicize these functions,
// but you can't really declare a function on the fly like this
// w/o using eval() which may be okay...
// the downside is that we lose docblocks...
// foreach ($ref->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $o) {
// if ($o->name == 'init') {
// continue;
// }
// echo "$o->name\n";
// }
// exit;
* @param string $encoding
* @return int
function SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STREAM($encoding)
return sqlshim::PHPTYPE_STREAM($encoding);
* @param string $encoding
* @return int
function SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING($encoding)
return sqlshim::PHPTYPE_STRING($encoding);
* @param int $byteCount
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_BINARY($byteCount)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_BINARY($byteCount);
* @param int $charCount
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_CHAR($charCount)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_CHAR($charCount);
* @todo figure out how $scale works into the equation.
* @param int $precision Precision
* @param int $scale Scale
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DECIMAL($precision, $scale)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_DECIMAL($precision, $scale);
* @param int $charCount
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_NCHAR($charCount)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_NCHAR($charCount);
* @todo figure out how $scale works into the equation.
* @param int $precision Precision
* @param int $scale Scale
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_NUMERIC($precision, $scale)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_NUMERIC($precision, $scale);
* @param int $charCount
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_NVARCHAR($charCount)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_NVARCHAR($charCount);
* @param int $byteCount
* @return int
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_VARBINARY($byteCount);
* @param int $charCount
* @return int
function SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_VARCHAR($charCount)
return sqlshim::SQLTYPE_VARCHAR($charCount);
* Begins a database transaction.
* @param object $conn
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_begin_transaction($conn)
return sqlshim::begin_transaction($conn);
* Cancels a statement.
* @param object $stmt
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_cancel($stmt)
return sqlshim::cancel($stmt);
* Returns information about the client and specified connection.
* @param object $conn
* @return string[]
function sqlsrv_client_info($conn)
return sqlshim::client_info($conn);
* Closes an open connection and releases resourses associated with the connection.
* @param object $conn
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_close($conn)
return sqlshim::close($conn);
* Commits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction().
* @param object $conn
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_commit($conn)
return sqlshim::commit($conn);
* Changes the driver error handling and logging configurations.
* @param string $setting
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_configure($setting, $value)
return sqlshim::configure($setting, $value);
* Opens a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database.
* @param string $serverName
* @param array $connectionInfo
* @return \PDO
function sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionInfo)
return sqlshim::connect($serverName, $connectionInfo);
* Returns error and warning information about the last SQLSRV operation performed.
* @param int $errorsOrWarnings
* @return array[]|null
function sqlsrv_errors($errorsOrWarnings = SQLSRV_ERR_ALL)
return sqlshim::errors($errorsOrWarnings);
* Executes a statement prepared with sqlsrv_prepare().
* @param object $stmt
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_execute($stmt)
return sqlshim::execute($stmt);
* Returns a row as an array.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @param int $fetchType
* @param int $row
* @param int $offset
* @return array|null
function sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, $fetchType = SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH, $row = SQLSRV_SCROLL_NEXT, $offset = 0)
return sqlshim::fetch_array($stmt, $fetchType, $row, $offset);
* Retrieves the next row of data in a result set as an object.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @param string $className
* @param array $ctorParams
* @param int $row
* @param int $offset
* @return object|null|false
function sqlsrv_fetch_object(
$className = 'stdClass',
$ctorParams = [],
$offset = 0
) {
return sqlshim::fetch_object($stmt, $className, $ctorParams, $row, $offset);
* Makes the next row in a result set available for reading.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @param int $row
* @param int $offset
* @return bool|null
function sqlsrv_fetch($stmt, $row = SQLSRV_SCROLL_NEXT, $offset = 0)
return sqlshim::fetch($stmt, $row, $offset);
* Retrieves metadata for the fields of a statement prepared by sqlsrv_prepare() or sqlsrv_query().
* sqlsrv_field_metadata() can be called on a statement before or after statement execution.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt The statment resource for which metadata is returned.
* @return array[]|false Returns an array of arrays on success. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
function sqlsrv_field_metadata($stmt)
return sqlshim::field_metadata($stmt);
* Frees all resources for the specified statement.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_free_stmt($stmt)
return sqlshim::free_stmt($stmt);
* Returns the value of the specified configuration setting.
* @param string $setting
* @return mixed
function sqlsrv_get_config($setting)
return sqlshim::get_config($setting);
* Gets field data from the currently selected row.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @param int $fieldIndex
* @param int $getAsType
* @return mixed
function sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, $fieldIndex = 0, $getAsType = null)
return sqlshim::get_field($stmt, $fieldIndex = 0, $getAsType);
* Indicates whether the specified statement has rows.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_has_rows($stmt)
return sqlshim::has_rows($stmt);
* Makes the next result of the specified statement active.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return bool|null
function sqlsrv_next_result($stmt)
return sqlshim::next_result($stmt);
* Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return int|false
function sqlsrv_num_fields($stmt)
return sqlshim::num_fields($stmt);
* Retrieves the number of rows in a result set.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return int|false
function sqlsrv_num_rows($stmt)
return sqlshim::num_rows($stmt);
* Prepares a query for execution.
* @param \PDO $conn
* @param string $sql
* @param array $params
* @param array $options
* @return \PDOStatement|false
function sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $sql, $params = [], $options = [])
return sqlshim::prepare($conn, $sql, $params, $options);
* Prepares and executes a query.
* @param \PDO $conn
* @param string $sql
* @param array $params
* @param array $options
* @return \PDOStatement|false
function sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql, $params = [], $options = [])
return sqlshim::query($conn, $sql, $params, $options);
* Rolls back a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction().
* @param \PDO $conn
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_rollback($conn)
return sqlshim::rollback($conn);
* Returns the number of rows modified by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query executed.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return int|false
function sqlsrv_rows_affected($stmt)
return sqlshim::rows_affected($stmt);
* Sends data from parameter streams to the server.
* @param \PDOStatement $stmt
* @return bool
function sqlsrv_send_stream_data($stmt)
return sqlshim::send_stream_data($stmt);
* Returns information about the server.
* @param \PDO $conn
* @return string[]
function sqlsrv_server_info($conn)
return sqlshim::server_info($conn);
return true;