<div id="help-template" class="outer">
<h1 class="head">Help: <a class="ui-corner-all tooltip" href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/protector/admin/index.php" title="Back to the administration of Protector"> Protector <img src="<{xoAdminIcons home.png}>" alt="Back to the administration of Protector"/></a></h1>
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<h4 class="odd">Description</h4>
<p class="even">Protector is a module to defend your XOOPS CMS from various malicious attacks.</p>
<h4 class="odd">Install/uninstall</h4>
<p>First, define XOOPS_TRUST_PATH into mainfile.php if you've never done it yet.</p>
<p>Copy html/modules/protector in the archive into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/</p>
<p>Copy xoops_trust_path/modules/protector in the archive into your XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/</p>
<p>Turn permission of XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/configs writable</p>
<h4 class="odd">= How to rescue =</h4>
<p class="even">If you've been banned from Protector, just delete files under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/configs/</p>
<h4 class="odd">Introduction for filter-plugins in this archive.</h4>
<p class="even">- postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl.php
an anti-SPAM plugin.
All of Post from IP registered in RBL will be rejected.
This plugin can slow the performance of Post, especially chat modules.
<p>- postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl.php
an anti-SPAM plugin.
All of Post from IP registered in http:BL will be rejected.
Before using it, get HTTPBL_KEY from http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ and set it into the filter file.
define( 'PROTECTOR_HTTPBL_KEY' , '............' ) ;
<p class="even">- postcommon_post_need_multibyte.php
an anti-SPAM plugin.
Post without multi-byte characters will be rejected.
This plugin is only for sites of japanese, tchinese, schinese, and korean.
<p>- postcommon_post_htmlpurify4guest.php
All post data sent by guests will be purified by HTMLPurifier.
If you allow guests posting HTML, I strongly recommend you to enable it.
<p class="even">-postcommon_register_insert_js_check.php
This plugin prevents your site from robot's user registering.
Required JavaScript working on the vistors browser.
<p>- bruteforce_overrun_message.php
Specify a message for visitors tried wrong passwords more than the specified times.
All plugins named *_message.php specifys the message for rejected accesses.
<p class="even">- precommon_bwlimit_errorlog.php
When band width limitation works unfortunately, this plugin logs it into Apache's error_log.
<p>All plugins named *_errorlog.php log some informations into Apaches error_log.</p>
<h4 class="odd">Tutorial</h4>
<p class="even">Tutorial coming soon.</p>
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