// _LANGCODE: en
// Translator: XOOPS Translation Team
define('_PM_MI_NAME', 'Private Messaging');
define('_PM_MI_DESC', 'Module for private messaging between users');
define('_PM_MI_INDEX', 'Home');
define('_PM_MI_PRUNE', 'Prune Messages');
define('_PM_MI_LINK_TITLE', 'PM Link');
define('_PM_MI_LINK_DESCRIPTION', 'Shows a link to send a private message to the user');
define('_PM_MI_MESSAGE', 'Write a message to');
define('_PM_MI_PRUNESUBJECT', 'Prune PM subject line');
define('_PM_MI_PRUNESUBJECT_DESC', 'This will be the subject of the PM to the user, received after a PM prune');
define('_PM_MI_PRUNEMESSAGE', 'Prune PM body message');
define('_PM_MI_PRUNEMESSAGE_DESC', "This message will be in the body of the message to users after one or more of their messages have been removed from their inbox during a PM prune. Use {PM_COUNT} in the text to be replaced with the number of messages removed from this user's inbox");
define('_PM_MI_PRUNESUBJECTDEFAULT', 'Messages deleted during cleanup');
define('_PM_MI_PRUNEMESSAGEDEFAULT', 'During a cleanup of the Private Messaging, XOOPS has deleted {PM_COUNT} messages from your inbox to save space and resources');
define('_PM_MI_MAXSAVE', 'Maximum items in savebox');
define('_PM_MI_MAXSAVE_DESC', '');
define('_PM_MI_PERPAGE', 'Messages per page');
define('_PM_MI_PERPAGE_DESC', '');
define('_PM_MI_ABOUT', 'About');