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File: htdocs/modules/protector/docs/changelog.txt

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File: htdocs/modules/protector/docs/changelog.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation
Class: Xoops 2.5
Modular content management publication system
Author: By
Last change: Updating the protector changelog
Merge pull request #511 from mambax7/feature/deprecated

Date: 6 years ago
Size: 7,939 bytes


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= CHANGES = 3.61 (2019/02/18) - the prefix setting is in secure.php. The text in prefix manager is now up to date. 3.60 RC (2017/11/12) - add overview visual summary - add "ban ip" button to log display - tweak stopforumspam diagnostics 3.51 RC (2011/10/10) - database patch check ok if XOOPS_VERSION > 2.4.x (trabis) - changed Database::getInstance() to XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); 3.51 beta (2011/10/08) Trabis - added check with StopForumSpam against spammers (trabis) - converted to ModuleAdmin GUI (mamba) 3.50 beta (2009/11/17) - modified filters can be turned on/off by preferences of Protector - moved filters under filters_disabled/ into filters_byconfig/ - added manipulation checker against ftp worms or silent raiders 3.41 (2009/11/17) - fixed some swf/swc files are confused often - added language files -- polish_utf8 (thx jagi) 3.40 (2009/09/16) - numbered as a STABLE version - renamed from "Xoops Protector" to "Protector" simply - modified module icons for some forked cores (thx rene) 3.36 beta (2009/08/27) - updated HTMLPurifier into 4.0.0 - added a filter postcommon_post_htmlpurify4everyone.php - added a filter postcommon_post_register_moratorium.php 3.36a - updated language files -- persian (thx voltan) 3.36a 3.35 beta (2009/08/13) - fixed english modinfo.php is always loaded. (thx Phoenyx) - modified comment attacking detection of DBL anti-SQL-Injection again - defined some constants for detecting Protector's mode for module maintainers -- PROTECTOR_ENABLED_ANTI_SQL_INJECTION -- PROTECTOR_ENABLED_ANTI_XSS - updated language files -- arabic (thx Onasre) 3.35a 3.34 beta (2009/07/06) - modified comment attacking detection of DBL anti-SQL-Injection - added an option for some environment always enables DBL trapping 3.33 beta (2009/04/03) - stopped to force rewriting PHP_SELF and PATH_INFO (thx nao-pon) - added checking PHP_SELF into bigumbrella anti-XSS - added a constant PROTECTOR_VERSION - modified compatibities with ImpressCMS (thx vaughan) - fixed "none" option for F5Attack and Crawler cannot work finen (thx ChaFx) - turned default value of bugumbrella anti-XSS on 3.32 beta (2009/01/27) - fixed DBL anti-SQL-Injection is skipped on condition nocommon=1 (thx naao) - updated language files -- persian (thx voltan) -- de_utf8 (ths Rene) 3.32a 3.31 beta (2009/01/20) - fixed DBL anti-SQL-Injection's wrong detection by db->quiteString() with " - updated language files -- spanish (thx Colossus) 3.30 beta (2009/01/14) - added DBLayer trapping anti-SQL-Injection - added a filter precommon_bwlimit_errorlog.php - added a filter precommon_badip_errorlog.php - updated language files -- spanish (thx Colossus) - modified precommon_bwlimit_*.php returns 503 error (thx Colossus) 3.30a 3.22 (2008/12/03) - modified the condition the cookie 'deleted' is sent as autologin_uname - added a checker for the privacy of XOOPS_TRUST_PATH into the Advisory - added language files -- nederlands (thx Cath) - updated language files -- persian (thx voltan) 3.22a - modified page navigation (thx McDonald) 3.22a 3.21 (2008/11/21) - added a preferences for bandwidth limitation - enabled precommon_badip_message.php as default - modified messages by precommon filter - updated language files -- spanish (thx Colossus) 3.21a - fixed fatal typo in protector.php (thx rohi) 3.21a 3.20 (2008/09/17) - numbered as a stable version - updated language files -- arabic (onasre) - fixed language files -- de_utf8 - added language files -- italian (thx Defcon1) 3.20a - added a method isMobile() into ProtectorFilterAbstract 3.20b 3.17 beta (2008/04/24) - modified URLs with the same hostname as XOOPS_URL are not counted as URI SPAM - updated language files -- persian (thx stranger and voltan) 3.17a - added language files -- de_utf8 (thx wuddel) 3.17a 3.16 beta (2008/01/08) - added a filter postcommon_post_deny_by_httpbl for antispam by honeypotproject - updated language files -- polish (thx kurak_bu) 3.15 beta (2007/10/18) - added "compact log" - added "remove all log" - added language files -- fr_utf8 (thx gigamaster) 3.14 beta (2007/09/17) - imported HTMLPurifier (special thx! Edward Z. Yang) PHP5 only - added filtering point (spamcheck, crawler, f5attack, bruteforce, purge) - added filter plugins -- postcommon_post_htmlpurify4guest (guest's post will be purified) only PHP5 -- spamcheck_overrun_message -- crawler_overrun_message -- f5attack_overrun_message -- bruteforce_overrun_message -- prepurge_exit_message 3.13 beta (2007/08/22) - modified the filter structure from function to class - added filtering point (badip, register) - added filter plugins -- postcommon_register_insert_js_check (against registering SPAM) -- precommon_badip_message (displays a message on rejecting the IP) -- precommon_badip_redirection (redirects somewhere on rejecting the IP) 3.12 beta (2007/08/16) - fixed for controllers with $xoopsOption['nocommon']=true 3.11 beta (2007/08/16) - modified ordering precheck and postcheck - removed a rbl server from postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl.php - added language files -- french (thx Christian) 3.10 beta (2007/07/30) - modified precheck getting config via local cache - modified precheck does not connect MySQL as possible - fixed "reliable IP" does not work well - modified mainfile patch can be inserted before protector installation - added a logic to check some folder's permission on installing protector - modified IP denying pattern. 'full', 'foward match', and 'preg match' - added denied IP moratorium - added a warning if the directory for configs is not writable 3.04 (2007/06/13) - added a check against the phpmailer command-injection vulnerability. - modified postcommon_post_need_multibyte (3.04a) 3.03 (2007/06/03) - added a protection against installer attack - changed language name -- ja_utf8 (formerly japaneseutf) 3.03a 3.02 (2007/04/08) - modified compatibility of the option "force_intval" - fixed wrong link in advisory.php (thx genet) - added a method module can skip DoS/crawler check (define a constant) - updated D3 system - added language files -- persian (thx voltan) -- russian (thx West) 3.02a -- arabic (thx onasre) 3.02b -- japaneseutf 3.02c 3.01 (2007/02/10) - modified the rule for sorting IPs - added language files -- portuguesebr (thx beduino) -- spanish (thx PepeMty) -- polish (thx kurak_bu) 3.01a -- german (thx wuddel) 3.01b - modified module_icon.php 3.01c - fixed typo in module_icon.php 3.01d 3.00 (2007/02/06) - marked as a stable version - fixed typo in log level - fixed multibyte plugin never denies registered users (thx mizukami) - modified compatibility with 2.2.x from 3.00a 3.00beta2 (2007/01/31) - added plugin system (just postcommon_post_*) - added filtering-plugins -- postcommon_post_deny_by_rbl.php (deny SPAM by RBL) -- postcommon_post_need_multibyte.php (deny SPAM by character type) 3.00beta (2007/01/30) - moved almost files under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH - modified denying IP from DB to a file under configs - removed rescue feature (just remove a file via FTP) - added allowed IPs for user of group=1 - modified table structures (compatible MySQL5) - added BigUmbrella anti-XSS system - added anti-SPAM feature = THANKS = - Kikuchi (Traditional Chinese language files) - Marcelo Yuji Himoro (Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish language files) - HMN (French language files) - Defkon1 (Italian language files) - Dirk Louwers (Dutch language files) - Rene (German language files) - kokko (Finnish language files) - Tomasz (Polski language files) - Sergey (Russian language files) - Bezoops (Spanish language files) These contributions was made for v2.x I'm appreciated new language files for v3.0 :-) Moreover, I thank to JM2 and minahito -zx team- about having taught me kindly. You are very great programmers! ------------------------------------------------------------ GIJ=CHECKMATE <[email protected]> 2004-2009 PEAK XOOPS