1. Search Videos with Hulu Embed API for PHP Developers
Posted on: 2015-06-15
Hulu has long been the standout of the major streaming video providers to not provide a public API. They do, however, provide a method to embed video and a data set of their content in XML format which is constantly updated.
The PHP Hulu Video class takes advantage of these public resources to bring everything together into a pseudo-API for developers, bloggers, etc..
Read this article to learn how to explore what Hulu provides and techniques to make their video available on external Web sites just like a real API.
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The PHP Hulu Video class takes advantage of these public resources to bring everything together into a pseudo-API for developers, bloggers, etc..
Read this article to learn how to explore what Hulu provides and techniques to make their video available on external Web sites just like a real API.