1. How to Use a PHP IP Logger Application that Can Create Short URLs and Provide an API to Extend Its Possibilities with External Applications
Updated on: 2023-05-29
Posted on: 2023-05-29
One way to measure statistics of the access to site pages is to track the IP addresses of the computer or phone of the users that access those pages.
This package provides a short URL application in PHP that associates URLs with short-string codes with longer URLs.
When users access pages with short string codes, this application can track the user's access to the pages with long URLs.
This allows this application to track several types of statistics that may be useful for page owners to evaluate the audience of their pages.
This application also provides an API so external applications can process the statistics of the page accesses in a way that is more convenient to those applications.
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This package provides a short URL application in PHP that associates URLs with short-string codes with longer URLs.
When users access pages with short string codes, this application can track the user's access to the pages with long URLs.
This allows this application to track several types of statistics that may be useful for page owners to evaluate the audience of their pages.
This application also provides an API so external applications can process the statistics of the page accesses in a way that is more convenient to those applications.